HOME 公式ブログ Rickshaw. Traditional rickshaw in Sanraku
鬼怒川温泉 山楽
What do you know about pulled-rickshaws in Japanese traditions?
Rickshaws are commonly believed to have been invented in Japan in the 1860s. !
Japanese rickshaws c.1897
A pulled rickshaw (or ricksha) is a mode of human-powered tranport by which a runner draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two people. In recent times the use of human-powered rickshaws has been discouraged or outlawed in many countries due to concern for the welfare of rickshaw workers. Pulled rickshaws have been replaced mainly by cycle rickshaw and auto rickshaw.
But nowadays a pulled rickshaw is still popular in Japan (particular among tourists) . The best popular places are Kyoto, Kamakura and Tokyo (Asakusa station).
By the way, if you planning to Visit a Nikko or Kinugawa, the only place to enjoy a rickshaw in the Kinugawa Onsen area is – Sanraku Ryokan (Japanese traditional hotel). Every saturday and sunday the guests of ryokan can use this service for FREE.
Schedule: saturday 15:00-17:30, sunday 9:00-11:00.
Welcome to Sanraku Ryokan to feel Japanese ancient traditions !
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